Love generation 5r heseg

CL Daesung tei taaraldlaa

Daesung: Sain uu cl

Cl: Chi odoo ugluu uulzsin bj yunii chin snuu muu bval yu gej

Daesung: Yagad

Cl: Yahvdee muu bj boldguumuu yavlaa

daesung: harin tegeed yagad muu bgaan

CL: Chamd yamar pad bnaa harvaas 1 chuugii tsarailchaad

Daesung: Muu uhna min bi chuugii yu

Heseg hugatsaanii daraa…

Cl; Chi muu yamaa

Daesung: Bi yamaa bol chi yu ve

Cl: Bi chono za yu chamaig barij idnee gaiguu. Huuy chi ingehed yagaad buten tsag namaig dagaal yavad bgaan

Daesung: Tsag yavj bgaam chin tsag dagalguu yadiin

CL: Chi ger luugee yavaach

daesung: Yavjiine shd

CL: Tanih chin manaihaas aimar hol shde

daesung: Za yavj l bn shd

Cl: Ene muu iljig chin

Daesung: Huuy managraa chamd taxi barih mungu bdagguumuu yaharaa 1 tsag alhdag bnaa bi ughiimuu

Cl: Yugnee chi muu naash ir dee

Daesung: Ochkuu ee

Margaash ni surguuli deer…

Hyomin: Goy yum ooo

Jr: Yu yu yu duh min heleechee yu goeiin

Hyomin: yah geed hun balbaad bgaan be Hyorin Jin woon shig Dream high 2 toglodog bol goyoo gesiin

Jr: Oon chi hariugaa helkuumu

Hyomin: Gui yahav zuvshuurchih shig l bolloo za yvalaa

Jr: Neeree muu woo yes

Gd: Uush mangaruudaa bujgee beldetsgeeesnuu sn sursanuud ni zaaj uguud marsh Soyeon bos

Soyeon; yu ve yah geed bgaan

Gd: Uhsendee muuhai harad bgaan angli helnii daalgavar hiigeed ug JIyeon bos

Gd: Uchigdriin zaaj ugsun bujig zaaj ug

Soyeon Jiyeon: Hutsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bid 2 chinii zarts yumuu

Gd: Yugnee duu nar tom tom duugaraal

Tae hee bagsh: Gd guai uuruu tom tom duugaraal hezee yazaanii od boltson od bolson hoinoo gishgeed yavhin bn l daa Gd guai taniig zahiral huleej bna uchigduriin hergiin chin achaae shganal uguh gej bh shig bna yaj bagshiig avgai gej heleed buur bagsh huntei muur hulgana bolj togoldog bnaa

Gd: Bagshaa ter jin

Tae hee bagsh: duu yav ji zahiral chamaig huleej bna

Daesung: yee balarsiin tm ee cl ee

Cl: Nadaa yamar pad bnaa tmee ch geh shig

Min: Tal tal tal

cl; yun tal

Min: Tsaadah jin chamd taltai bolchij

cl: zs hutsaad bhiin

Seungri: Huuy huuhen guai tal yahav nuguu minii helsen yum yu bolson

Min: Yu ve chi bid 2 uyerheed heltsen gej bodsiinson

Seungri: Tm uu wooho

Aeri bagsh: Yunii jin uyerhel shalgaltaa onts ug maanagaa zaasaar bhad chin naad tolgoi chin yahaara ingej gashildag bnaa hicheelde ortsgoo

Aeri bagsh: Clothes make a man gej yugsen uguu hel dee za hen helhu JR heldee

Jr: huvtsas eregtei hun hiideg

Aeri bagsh: Iish enenii tolgoi ajilj bgaag ni ee Top heldee

Top: Eregtei hun huvtsasiig hiideg

Aeri bagsh: Ene bas yg taartsan ta nart bi ene ugiig shuud utgaar ni bitgii oilgo uchir ni ene jin helts ug gj helsen bhaa

daesung: Bagshaa huvtsas burhan hun chutgur gesen ug

Aeri bagsh: Zuitei manai daesung uhaalag shuu ta nar ene Junho Daesung shig bgaach

Gd: Huuhduudee Junho shig baitsgaay uzgee ideed marsh

Aeri bagsh: Yun uzeg

Gd: Bagshaa Junho dandaa uzgee iddiin uzgiin hardaa nil shudnii or tom yum bj uzgee ideed Junho shig baiy gevel uzgee idetsgeey

Zavsarlalaa daraagiin hicheel orov

Tae hee bagsh orloo

Tae hee bagsh: 1 saihan medee bn shalgaltandaa unsand chin bayar hurgii

Bugd: Woo bayarlaa

Tae hee bagsh: Yatsgaagaad bgaan ene jin bayarlah zuil uu yostoi dunkuu garuud yavuulaad bsan jin yavahnee Gd guai ta zugeer baga dalchignana shu heree medne shuu bagshiigaa hundelj amidrana shuu ta nariig duuchin bolhod yamar heregtei humuus bilee dee za hicheeldee ortsgooy neeree surguuliin 10 jiliin oi bolj bgaa ter oid zoriulj buh suragchid togloltond oroltsono uursdiihuu hamtragchdiig olooroi.

Chansung: Hamtarhiimuu bagshaa

Tae hee bagsh: Medeej tegne bi ta nariig beldene busad bagsh nar jin ch bas beldeh bh

Daesung: Huuy cl 2uulaa 1 bag bolii

Cl: hutsaa ji muu hezee chono honi hoyor 1 bag bolj bsiin ayguu bol 1 negniigee bariad idchine

daesung: Ee ji

Cl: za yahav bolii

Daesung: Yes

Jb: JIyeonoo 2uulaa 1 bag bolii

JIyeon: Ok

Gd: Bi Hyosungtaigaa 1 bag bolnoo

Jr: Hyomin oo

Hyomin: Tegie oo

Jr: Chi namaig yu heleh gej bgaag yaj medsiin ugaasaa oilgomjtoi shd

Top: fei 2uulaa 1 bag bolhuu

Fei: Yu medeej shd

Za ingeed bugd hamtrah humuusee olloo

Za yamr boljuu setgegdelee uldeegeerei. Bichkuu bol bi ni ih gomdono shuu za daraachiin heseg 15 setgegdeliin daraa

19 comments on “Love generation 5r heseg

  1. Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your On-Page SEO is is missing a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags in your post, also I notice that you are not using bold or italics properly in your SEO optimization. On-Page SEO means more now than ever since the new Google update: Panda. No longer are backlinks and simply pinging or sending out a RSS feed the key to getting Google PageRank or Alexa Rankings, You now NEED On-Page SEO. So what is good On-Page SEO?First your keyword must appear in the title.Then it must appear in the URL.You have to optimize your keyword and make sure that it has a nice keyword density of 3-5% in your article with relevant LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing). Then you should spread all H1,H2,H3 tags in your article.Your Keyword should appear in your first paragraph and in the last sentence of the page. You should have relevant usage of Bold and italics of your keyword.There should be one internal link to a page on your blog and you should have one image with an alt tag that has your keyword….wait there’s even more Now what if i told you there was a simple WordPress plugin that does all the On-Page SEO, and automatically for you? That’s right AUTOMATICALLY, just watch this 4minute video for more information at. WordPress Seo Plugin

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